Izzyisms- Age 9

" Mama, you need to go to the doctor, your butt should be flat not poufy."

Jockisms- Age 20

When asked what he benched by a passerby: " I bench Volkswagons."

Angelaisms- Age 39

" A selfless heart begets another selfless heart."

Monday, August 15, 2011

I've Got Sunshine.. What About You?

Every day(well often) I wake up and consciously say to myself "No complaining  today, don't fall into the negativity trap!" that surrounds you. Daily, I am bombarded with people offering up excuses, handing out those big sighs and ughs and getting angry over things that seem so minute to me.Their baggage luggage is the size of a Louis Vuitton Alzer 80.  They carry in it their childhood, their past regrets, their failures.  Now I know in my line of work I must not take things personally BUT if someone is talking to me as if I caused their problem I do take it personal, after all I am personally ME! People don't stop to think that if they were just a tad bit kinder, a little bit more courteous, a little bit more objective and unaffected by their demons dwelling inside they may actually move an inch or two in the right direction.  And extra points if they smile!

I ponder why some wake up on the wrong side of the bed and then stay there. They walk around hunched over, grumbling, spewing every reason to hate everything and everybody and expect you to jump in and agree with them. They can host that party if they choose but I'm not attending.
I prefer to have in my surroundings individuals that choose positivity and kindness; That are at least partially cognizant when  they sense their downward turn toward negativity and make moves to change it.

Everybody has off days, I get it. But why act like you can't "turn that from upside down"?  Is it really that hard? Think about all the hard things you do in your life or have done, and then tell me if moving your lips into a smile is hard. I digress.

So next time  you catch yourself saying something negative. Stop. Smile.(do it in your head if you want to. I assure you though, if people see you smiling they won't freak out and run away screaming) Then say it again.  If it sounds silly to you then guess what? There is the reason to try. Stop that negative thought and replace it with a smile. It looks so much nicer on you.

Truth be told: Be positive about being positive. You don't need a 12 step program to get there. You just need a smile, some sunshine,  and a little commitment. Before you know it, you'll be carrying your stuff in a train case not a trunk.


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