With time, perseverance, promise and diligence. Whether your goal is small and short range or lofty and long term, you need these four elements to bring them to fruition.
Grant yourself the time to achieve your goal. Pushing yourself and putting unrealistic demands on yourself will only discourage you and prevent you from finishing. Be clear, but don't waste the precious commodity either. Set a reasonable time frame for yourself.
Nothing good ever came easy or so they say. There is time when nothing will seem to go right and the devil on your should will be rooting for you to throw in the towel. This is not the time to give up. It is the time to start pressing harder and tightening the belt. Remember, you don't get that far and then just give up. Arm yourself mentally on how to fight off failure.
Declare a promise to see yourself through to the end. Hold yourself accountable by telling others what you are doing so they too can hold you accountable. It's one thing to fear personal failure, it's another to fail in front of someone else. Funny motivator, but often successful.
The tortoise beat the hare because he didn't stop fighting. He knew if he just kept moving, albeit slow, that he would make it to the finish line. Be diligent in your endeavor and work consistently towards achieving it. When you're giving your concerted self to something, in effect your are saying you are devoting the efforts required for success.
Truth be Told: Goals are challenging things that require more than the average contribution. Your game plan is necessary and you must create one fostered in favor and not failure. From the onset, your determination must be high and steadfast. To rise up to the challenge, you must know that it will take time, sweat equity, mental stamina, and temperance.
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