We all have these little things in our head that gnaw away at our minds burrowing a hole that doubt fills up and then it overflows with worry and despair. Worry, at least to me, has always been the most useless of emotions cause you can't do a thing with worry if you let it fester. And when it festers, it multiples. When it multiples, it takes over and invades every crevice of your mind until the mind is vanquished.
Ask yourself.. Has the worst happened? Has ANYTHING happened to encourage you to think that disaster is going to strike? Are they made up thoughts in your head because a situation had ripe circumstances to occur?
Eliminate your worry with your proactive happiness. It will return to you if you give it away. AND it's not debilitating like the slew of negative emotions that can get stuck on auto loop in our heads when we aren't thinking conscientiously.
Truth be Told: Keep perspective. Don' create a monster out of a mouse. Worry is debilitating.... and pointless. Push THAT back. Don't make that little thing big.
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