The Truth is Not a Liar.
The whole world has either served me a colossal lie or a brutal truth. Maybe. Read on.
Sometimes I prefer one over the other, truth be told, lies are often palatable and easier to digest. Especially the ones we tell ourselves. Although we know that truth is reaching it's neck around the corner and we have it in our view, we tell ourselves that that picture is not clear and the lies are easier to believe. Here is my a couple of my perspectives of the brutal truth.
Love is far from perfect. The most trite of concepts that no one really grasps and accepts.
Love happens in rapid ascent and then down spirals in fervorous descent over and over again- the proverbial roller coaster of emotions. Is it fair to assume this will always happen no matter who we are with and do we just gravitate towards they one that we enjoy it most with? When love ignites, we let the emotions be our compass and those emotions are GREAT, the tickle your loins, engage your mind, and produce cocoons and cocoons of butterflies. Then, something happens, something throws the two of you off track and the mysticism of love comes to a screeching halt and reality comes hither. The first tumbling into descent, into reality happens. How do you handle it? How do you keep the love that was once alive, ignited through tumultuous times, stressful times, times of discontent and heartache? YOU CAN NEVER FORGET. The minute love is forced into minutia, it is forgotten; you must push it forward, make it the biggest thing of the two of you and let that evil sleeping dog of pain and anger take a lifetime injection of comatose. Don't ever let that pain and frustration be bigger than your love. The only thing that should ever be on par with your love is your hope and faith.
Hope. Faith. Love. And always, ALWAYS together.
Another brutal truth?
We ARE where we have been. Mentally, we have all been in a place at one point that we wish you would have never went. By passive aggressive force, or by cognizant decision, the world and its people are fallible. We ALL were in places at one point or another, no matter how brief, that has molded in a way that may haunt us forever. We have to be okay with that and okay with everyone in our lives who try to keep the ghosts of past away. No, I'm not crazy, I'm on a journey, just like you. The difference between some are there are the ones that steer the ship and stand on the bow like Jack and Rose in The Titanic and scream and yell, and those are the ones that sit quietly on the stern and wait for the ride to end. The journey never really ends.. that's why Jack and Rose made the best of their catastrophe.
Truth be Told: We tell ourselves lies when we know the truths.